A long time ago (February 22, 2010, to be exact), I posted about my experience watching The Incredible Journey when I was six years old. I had to laugh (and groan and almost cry) this weekend when I showed it to my five-year-old monkey.
To be honest, I zoned out after about the first 30 minutes. (I have an excuse--I was working on a first draft. Honest!) Then the sounds of monkey-sobs penetrated my brain.
I looked up to see... the exact same scene that made me bawl when I was little. Sassy (the cat) plunging over the waterfall.
(Yes, I realize I'm no longer in the running for Mom-of-the-Year. There's always next year, right?)
There's really no moral here, except don't show your cat-loving-and-very-impressionable daughter movies about cats almost-dying. (I tried to explain before the movie that it was all pretend, but obviously that didn't do any good. Seriously--the little monkey can handle Voldemort and the trolls in The Chamber of Secrets, but not The Incredible Journey. Ugh.)
On a completely unrelated side note, I also managed to read two phenomenal historical novels in the last week. If you're looking for a good read, I highly recommend Michelle Moran's The Second Empress (about Napoleon's court) and Erika Robuck's Hemingway's Girl (about Hemingway during his Key West days).
What about you? Any scarred children or book recommendations you'd like to tell about?