*breaks into another Egyptian happy dance*
Methinks a book deal four years in the making deserves a pretty epic celebration.
So here goes...
I wouldn't have made it this far without this amazing writing community, (certainly not with most of my hair still intact) so I've tried to come up with three prizes to give back to this wonderful community of writers.
!! The Grand Prize !!
A brand-new Kindle
$100 Amazon Gift Card!!!
(Yes, you read that right! Think of all those shiny new books you can download! Or buy!)
Prize #2: The Writer's Package
- A 50 page critique from me (all genres except erotica, can be given to another writer)
- Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell
- A beautiful peacock feather writing notebook
- An evil eye amulet (straight from Istanbul!)
Prize #3: The Reader's Package
- The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan (Because it's Egyptian, of course)
- Tears of Pearl by Tasha Alexander (Because it's set in Istanbul)
- A papyrus bookmark (From Egypt!)
- An evil eye amulet (From Istanbul!)
How to Rack Up Your Entries (aka Shameless Self-Promotion)
+ 5 Follow this blog
+ 5 Follow me on Twitter
+5 Like/Friend me on Facebook (And yes, I know I don't have much there. Yet.)
+ 5 Follow me on Pinterest
+ 5 Follow me on Pinterest
+3 (for each mention) Blog/Tweet/Facebook about this contest
+ 3 Tell who your favorite person in history is in the comments
+ 10 Rhyme or haiku about your favorite historical person in the comments
The Fine Print
1. Yes, I ship internationally. (Two of my favorite writer buddies are Aussies, after all!)
2. You MUST include your email address in the comments.
3. Total up your entries (I despise math).
4. I'll assume everyone is interested in the Grand Prize, but please tell me whether you'd like the Reader's Package or Writer's Package. Otherwise I'll just guess. (And inevitably guess wrong).
5. Contest closes Friday, May 25th at 11:59PM EDT.
Whew! I think that's everything, but feel free to ask questions in the comments. Good luck!