Blogging is not high on my to-do list these days.
I love the community of writers and wish I had more time to blog, but I'm getting ready to take a group of students to Washington D.C. next week and am slated to finish my current WIP by the end of the month if I keep up my current pace of 1,000 words a day.
After a long day at work I come home, play with my daughter, hang out with my husband, go to the gym, research my WIP, and write my 1,000 words.
And collapse into bed to do it all again the next day.
This April A-Z challenge is a great way to meet new bloggers (Hi new followers!) and I'm doing my darndest to keep up with it. Feel free to smuck me upside the head if I fall behind.
What about you? Where does blogging fall on your to-do list?