I've taken the plunge and started writing Book #3!
I'm beyond excited about this one. It's historical fiction about another amazing, yet under-appreciated female ruler. I'm seeing a trend here- all of my books are about women who have been shoved into the corners of history simply because they were female. It's about time their stories were heard.
And this new woman definitely has her own voice, so much so that her novel is my first foray into writing first person POV. I think the sum total of my first person writing before now capped at 500 words. But her story was in first person as soon as it started unraveling in my head. It just flows out my fingers and onto my computer screen.
Yep, that's about as perfect as Reese's chocolate peanut butter ice cream.
I enjoy reading both first and third person, but have always written in third. I had a friend once who refused to read first because she didn't want just one person's perspective. Do you have any first or third person hang-ups?