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Sunday, March 21, 2010
How Does Your Garden Grow?
I just planted more goodies for my garden this weekend. Now I've got blueberries, tomatoes (yellow, cherry, heirloom, and regular), bell peppers, cucumbers, basil, summer squash, purple potatoes (yes, they're really purple), and zucchini on the vegetable front. I've also got three types of sunflowers (including red ones) and black-eyed susans that are stretching their leaves.
This is just the stuff in the indoor greenhouse right now. There's still a couple feet of snow on the ground, but the little guys need a head start or they'll never make it before the white stuff flies again in October.
I pretty much live outside all summer. Except when I'm inside writing. There's something great about seeing something you planted sprout and take off. Eating what you grew is even better.
The same thing goes for my manuscripts. I just hit 100 pages on Book #2 this weekend (just shy of 30,000 words). This time last year, I never in a quadzillion years (yes, that's more than a million, but I'm not sure by how much) would have guessed I'd be writing a second book. Seeing that page count creep up never fails to thrill me.
I'm growing a book!
So, what are you growing lately? Books? Veggies? Chia pets? Sea monkeys?
Photo from Flickr.