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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I See the Light

It is January in Alaska.

Translation: It's dark and cold. I don't mind the cold- anything above room temperature and I turn into a fire-breathing harpy. But the dark?

I hate the dark.

I love summer because I can garden at midnight or play outside with my daughter and not realize it's two hours past her bedtime. I can get up at 7AM and not be tired because it's already been light out for over three hours. But to appreciate the light I have to get through the dark.

This seems apropo as I delve into my 5th set of revisions for Hatshepsut. This is actually my 6th or 7th set of revisions, but I didn't keep track of the first two as it was just organizing plot and cleaning up the story. I'm starting to see a tiny pinprick of light beckoning me to the end. Or at least the end when I can begin to query.

Terresa over at Chocolate Chip Waffle posted the other day that agent Jen Rofe said not to query until you've revised at least seven times. I'm going to be right in that ballpark.

What about you? How many times have you revised or how many times do you think you'll revise at this stage in your game?