This week I'm answering questions from everyone. Yahoo!
Terresa asked, "If you could personally interview any author, alive or dead, who would it be and why?"
Okay, so first I was going to try to cheat and interview Hatshepsut or Theodore Roosevelt. Hatshepsut wrote hymns so she's kind of an author, right? I mean, it's not like more than 1% of the ancient Egyptian population was literate so I'm willing to fudge a little there. And Roosevelt? He wrote 35 books so he's kind of a non-fiction superstar.
But if you want my real author interview answer, I'm going with Geraldine Brooks. Her non-fiction book on Muslim women Nine Parts of Desire and her historical fiction novels are amazing. I could definitely see sitting down for tea and just chatting. The conversation would be fascinating!
Runners up would be Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters.
Gary Corby wants to know, "You have a once only opportunity to ask the real Hatshepsut 3 questions. What are they?"
1. Why did you take the throne? (No one really knows.)
2. Did you love Senenmut? (I like to think so.)
3. What do you feel your most important impact on history has been? (1st successful female ruler- ohdalolly!)
Matt Delman asked, "What is your favorite ancient Egyptian food?"
I'm glad the question wasn't limited to modern Egyptian food, because to be honest, Egypt's culinary arts leave much to be desired. (After 12 days I was getting pretty tired of hummus and babaganash.) I'm keeping in mind that most Egyptians subsisted off bread and beer with the occasional dried fish for variety. As for what the upper classes munched on, I'd go with honeyed nuts. I do have a couple scenes in HATSHEPSUT involving turnips though. Pickled turnips, even.
Blecch. Make that a double blecch.
All righty, folks- that's the first installment of the Q&A. Turn in tomorrow for more fun stuff!