From now until Christmas, I'm going to make an effort every day to highlight blogs I love. (Thanks for the idea, Tamika!) There might be a theme, there might be one, or two, or three blogs- I'm not setting any rules because I just want to have fun and give a shout out to some amazing sites I love to browse.
Today I have two, both with an artsy flair.
I am head over heels in love with the angels at Lisa at Scherer Art. I like to pretend I can paint, but this woman has talent! I adore Serena, the angel Lisa has offered up for the holidays, and the blue Madonna. I was literally drooling as I scoured her site to find out if they were available, but alas! It doesn't appear that they are.
My second favorite artsy blog has a tasty name and some gorgeous photos and poetry. I like to visit Terresa at The Chocolate Chip Waffle when I need creative inspiration. Her prose and poetry put mine to shame and recently she's done a fantabulous job with posts reminding the rest of us to appreciate the little things in life.
In keeping with Terresa's posts, I so very much appreciate some little things from today: a single kiss from my husband (we don't see each other on Thursdays), hugs from my daughter's little arms, dark chocolate sea salt covered cashews, and a glorious foggy sunset I could see in full from my mountain perch above the clouds.
What little things do you appreciate from your week?